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Cavitation & Radio Frequency


Ultrasonic cavitation, or ultrasound cavitation, is a cosmetic procedure that’s used to break apart fat deposits in your body. The treatment claims to work as an effective, less invasive alternative to liposuction.


There are very few risks associated with this procedure, but that doesn’t mean that there are no side effects.

Bruising and pain are common short-term side effects, and some people have loose skin or dimples and waves in their skin after healing from this treatment.


Ultrasonic cavitation is advertised as being extremely convenient because recovery is minimal and side effects are rare.

The most time-consuming part of the process might be finding and consulting with a licensed, trained provider who has experience doing the treatment.


Ultrasonic cavitation is generally far less expensive than traditional liposuction


What is ultrasonic cavitation treatment?

Ultrasonic cavitation, also called ultrasonic lipolysis, is a body contouring treatment that is used to remove fat deposits under your skin.

This procedure is a safer alternative to surgical options, like liposuction. The treatment uses ultrasonic radio waves to break apart fat cells, which are then absorbed into your body by your lymphatic system.

Ultrasonic cavitation is different than other similar treatments, like ultrasound liposuction, because it doesn’t require any incisions. This means recovery is easier. It also means that results might be less noticeable.

The ideal candidate for ultrasonic cavitation:

  • is in good overall health

  • doesn’t smoke

  • has realistic expectations

  • is already close to their goal weight

Ultrasonic cavitation is meant to target small areas of fat and help contour your body.


How does ultrasonic cavitation work?

Ultrasonic cavitation relies on ultrasound technology to break apart fat cells.

Ultrasound waves are sent deep into the layers of your skin, causing a disruptive vibration. Fat cells then break apart from each other and are dislodged from your dermal layers.

After a few days, the fat cells are absorbed by your lymphatic system and drained as waste from your body.


What happens during an ultrasonic cavitation session?

The procedure for ultrasonic cavitation is pretty straightforward.

On the day of your appointment, Diane, will ask you to uncover the area being treated and apply some gel then using a handheld ultrasound device, she’ll slowly go over the target area of your body.

You may feel a warm sensation during the procedure and hear a buzzing from the ultrasound machine. Treatments typically take between 40 minutes to an hour.


Which areas can be treated using ultrasonic cavitation?

At the moment Luna Moon Aesthetics offers treatments to:

  • Stomach

  • Buttocks


What are the side effects?

There may be some redness after the treatment on the cavitated area, however these symptoms will resolve themselves within a couple of hours.


Who shouldn't have the treatment?

You can't have this treatment if:

  • Skin thinning medication

  • Breastfeeding or pregnant

  • Heart conditions including peacemaker

  • Auto immune disease

  • Metal proseesis

  • Diabetes, epilespsy

  • History of cancer


Radio Frequency (RF)

Radiofrequency (RF) therapy, also called radiofrequency skin tightening, is a nonsurgical method of tightening your skin.

The procedure involves using energy waves to heat the deep layer of your skin known as your dermis. This heat stimulates the production of collagen. 

Collagen is the most common protein in your body. It creates the framework of your skin and gives your skin its firmness.

As you age, your cells produce less collagen, which can lead to sagging skin and wrinkles.


How does radio frequency skin tightening work?

RF waves heat the deep layer of your skin, which causes your body to release heat-shock proteins. These proteins stimulate your body to create new collagen fibers.

The procedure normally takes less than an hour and should be nearly painless.


What are radiofrequency waves?

RF waves are a form of radiation. Radiation is the release of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.

It can be classified as low energy or high energy depending on the amount of energy released. X-rays and gamma rays are examples of high energy radiation while RF waves are considered low energy.

Radio waves, WiFi, and microwaves are all forms of RF waves.

The form of radiation used in RF skin tightening releases a lot less energy than X-rays.


Are there any side effects?

This treatment is completely safe, with no side affects apart from a little heat during the procedure and temporary redness of the skin afterwards.

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